Why kids need to spend time in nature

Multi-ethnic group of school children laughing and running

Children are born to be outside. And this is a proven fact. This is the only time in their lives when they can go outside and play in nature.

Nature has a wide range of effects on children. Spending time in nature has a wide range of effects on children, from physical to mental.

According to studies, children who spend more time outside of their homes are more active both physically and mentally.

Let’s take a look at why kids need to spend time outside.

It promotes creativity and imagination. 

Playing in nature encourages children’s creativity and imagination. The way you approach things changes.

This type of unstructured play also allows children to interact meaningfully with their surroundings.

They have more freedom to think, plan their own activities, and approach the world in novel ways.

It provides different stimulation. 

Nature may appear to be less stimulating than your child’s violent video game, but it actually stimulates more senses—you can see, hear, smell, and touch outdoor environments.

As children spend less and less time in natural settings, their senses narrow, reducing the richness of human experience.

It boosts confidence. 

Children’s outdoor play is much less structured than most types of indoor play.

From the backyard to the park, there are countless ways to interact with outdoor environments.

Allowing your child to choose how he interacts with nature gives him the ability to control his own actions.

It makes them think.

Nature instils in children a sense of wonder that no other environment can.

The natural phenomena that occur in backyards and parks on a daily basis prompt children to inquire about the earth and the life that it supports.

When children see something they don’t understand, they ask questions and are eager to get answers. It piques their interest and drives them to learn new things.

Physical movements

Allowing children to go outside allows them to move their bodies and be more active.

They will play, get hurt, stand up, and then play again, moving their bodies instead of lying on a sofa at home.