What is skin fasting?


Our skin is similar to our bodies in that it requires fasting from junk food and even normal food we eat in order to detox and regain its health and become more healthy; similarly, our skin requires fasting from junk food and even normal food we eat in order to detox and regain its health and become more healthy.

It is not necessary to constantly lather our faces with products; our faces require a break and time to regain their health and glow.

What is skin fasting?

In a nutshell, skin fasting is the same as body fasting. Just as we do not eat food during a fast, we do not use any products on our skin during a skin fast and simply clean it and leave it alone with its natural oils.

It’s time to take a break from using skincare products to improve your skin’s condition and give it a rest.

It aids in skin detoxification by removing all impurities and allowing your skin to breathe naturally.

When we overuse chemical skincare products, our skin’s protective barrier weakens, and in order to maintain that, you should take a break from skin care.

Skin fasting also aids in skin rejuvenation and improves the appearance of your skin.

Steps to follow while skin fasting

Step 1: Begin the skin fasting by thoroughly cleansing your face at night.

Step 2- Then apply some very important for your skin products and skip all the others. If you think your skin will be fine without any products, go ahead and do so, but apply a little moisturiser.

If you have oily skin, leave out the moisturiser.

Step 3: Next, wash your face with lukewarm or normal water the next morning. If you prefer, you can skip the facewash. Then, if you have any important skincare, apply it now and leave it alone if you’re not going out.

When you’re at home, fast your skin because applying sunscreen is essential if you’re going out.

If your skin feels clean and there are no problems, continue for a few days before returning to your normal routine.