Shampooing tips to save your hairs.


Hair care is just as important as skin care. However, just as we make mistakes in skincare, we also make mistakes in haircare. That is why you should continue reading to learn how to change some hair care habits for healthy hair.

Most of you may not even wash your hair on a regular basis, and when you do, you may make numerous mistakes. These suggestions are simple but extremely effective.

Dilute the shampoo

Stop using direct shampoo while using any type of shampoo for your hair.

Direct shampooing can cause excessive dryness and damage to your hair.

Instead, dilute your shampoo with water and apply it to your hair.

Shampoo is for scalp cleaning only

Shampoo serves no other purpose than to clean the scalp and hair.

Instead of applying shampoo to your hair strands, massage it into your scalp. It only harms and weakens your hair if you apply on strands.

Use whatever shampoo suits you

There is no such thing as an ideal shampoo on the market. Every shampoo contains chemicals in some form or another. Every shampoo has been packaged and stored.

Instead of looking for the best shampoo, all you have to do is find one that works for you. Everyone has different hair and needs, so selecting a shampoo is also influenced by this.

Dont use towel to dry your wet hair

After shampooing your hair, do not wrap it in a towel. Wrap your hair in a cotton cloth or a cotton t-shirt.

If you use a towel to dry your hair and then rub it between towels, you are making a huge mistake. Rubbing will cause breakage and split ends at first.

The towel will then make you very dry and frizzy. Instead, pat your hair dry with a cotton t-shirt.


Incorporate these shampooing tips and see the changes in your hair.