Questions about Ex you should avoid asking your partner


While dating your partner, you may want to know about their past, why they broke up, and who their ex was, but you should not do so because this is a very sensitive subject and the past should be left behind because they are now with you.

Everyone has a past, and it is past for a reason; people change who they were as a result of everything that has happened before, so you should focus on your present instead of discussing their past with your partner.

Here are some questions you should never ask your partner about their ex because they will complicate your relationship.

Do you love them more?

This question, “Do you love them more?” has the potential to devastate your current relationship.

This question actually questions their love for you, you are person they are currently dating, so don’t you think it’s a bad question to ask your partner?

This question will give them the impression that you don’t trust them, and that they aren’t enough for you. You should not compare their feelings for you to someone they dated in the past.

Question to know about their name.

You should avoid inquiring about your partner’s ex’s name. The event occurred in the past.

Understand that thing, be happy with them, and work on your relationship instead of asking them about the past, which will not help your relationship move forward but will definitely cause it to fall apart.

How close were they both?

Every partner wants to know if their previous partner was close to their ex or not.

They were dating before, just like you are now, and you may have features and physical attraction to them, and they may have felt the same way.

So, what’s the problem with that? If nothing happened, you should be happy, and if something did happen, you should be okay with that as well.

Did they treat you the same way?

First and foremost, everyone has a past, and it is perfectly fine because it is their life and their choice.

You should stop comparing yourself to them because your partner isn’t with them right now. You are with your partner right now, so why are you comparing yourself to them?

If they say something you don’t like, you’ll end up feeling bad about yourself more than they will.


You are currently with your partner, so you should stop thinking about and asking questions about their past and instead focus on your relationship, be happy, and create beautiful memories.