Meditation for beginners


Do you want to start meditating at home as well? You’ve come to the right place because I’ve compiled a list of tips for beginners to begin meditating at home.

Meditation benefits us in a variety of ways. It helps us to be calm and peaceful, and it aids in the recovery from anxiety and depression. Take this time for yourself to connect with your soul and even manifest.

After meditation, you will notice many changes in your body. You will have more control over your mind, what you think, how you react, and you will be more at peace.

Start from smaller time duration

Meditation for beginners can be a difficult task because you must sit straight for some time and allow yourself to be aware of your surroundings.

As you are a beginner, begin with just 2 minutes of meditation per day and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable.

Make it a habit

If you want to reap the benefits of meditation, you must practise it on a daily basis, first thing in the morning after you wake up.

If you can’t do it in the morning, do it before going to bed, but it’s best to do it after you wake up.

Comfort comes first

Many people who have been meditating for a long time can sit for hours on end without any discomfort, but this comes with a lot of practise.

So, if you’re a beginner, sit on your bed, sofa, or wherever you’re most comfortable and begin meditating.

Don’t try to sit in an uncomfortable position because this will direct your attention away from meditation and toward the discomfort

Focus on your breath

When you first start meditating, you may notice that you have a lot of thoughts in your head, which can be a large cluster of your thoughts and memories. As a result, meditation for beginners is difficult.

However, you can begin by counting your breaths or focusing solely on your breathing.

In between, you may lose track of the count and become preoccupied with your thoughts; your mind will try to persuade you, but you must resist it and return to counting your breaths. That is when you have truly begun to meditate.

Be Positive

There is no point in meditating, connecting with your soul, or having your peace time if you are still negative and worried about things getting better.

Stop worrying, being negative, and overthinking. Try to stay calm and peaceful


After a few months of consistent meditation, you will feel like a completely different person. Meditation will help you with problems you didn’t even realise you had. So take two minutes out of your day and give it to yourself.