Make your Normal routine go Exciting by following these secret hacks!

It's Me-time!


Is your schedule the same every day? Want to add up some spice to your boring life? Here are some underrated tips to make your day adventurous and undoubtedly less boring!

1. Make a Bucket-List but with a twist!

A Bucket list is simply a list that consists of all activities you want to do. It is usually a long term thing. For example: Going to Italy, is a long term goal, right?
So here is what you gotta do. Turn your Bucket-list into the ‘Do-it’ list. Add short terms goals like baking cookies on Sunday or providing free workshops to underprivileged children. Once you complete some of your items from this list, I’m sure you’ll look forward to trying new things.

2. Write a letter every month!

And by letter, I mean a handwritten letter, not an email!
Write a letter to yourself today. Jot down all the things you are at the moment grateful for, pen down what you expect yourself to become after one month or what changes do you think you’ll acquire and give a strong piece of advice to your future self. Store it in a box or a mason jar and add the date to your calendar. Open the letter exactly after one month and feel the happiness and satisfaction. Try it out and see how it feels when you teach yourself.
BONUS TIP: You can try it for 2-3 days or a week. This task will help you to monitor your patience and will make you understand the power of self-improvement.

3. Practice the Act of Kindness!
Being kind should be the main motive of your life. Add at least one item to your daily to-do list to practice the act of kindness. Here are a few examples:
• Pay for someone else’s groceries.
• Give a decent compliment to a stranger.
• Help your mother in cooking.
• Spend time with your siblings or friends.
• Visit an orphanage or an old age home.
• Donate some of the clothes you don’t need.

The most important part of this task is being kind to yourself. Smile in front of a mirror or dance like nobody’s watching. Help yourself and make your everyday worth living.

Many people don’t get this beautiful life. Be grateful for everything and enjoy every day to the fullest. Find little pieces of happiness and join them to complete the puzzle of your life. Make your routine awesome with the above-mentioned tips! Live. Love. Breathe.