Easily available desi foods to cure hairfall.


Everyone desires long, thick hair that gleams, but in today’s world of pollution, stress, and poor hair care, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain hair that is healthy, lustrous, and free of shedding.

Hair loss can be brought on by a variety of factors, including heredity, hormonal imbalances, poor hair care, a lack of protein intake, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Fortunately, there are foods that are readily available to everyone that can help you stop hair loss. These should be a part of your daily diet, and you should eat them in the appropriate amounts.

Keep on reading to know what these desi foods are.


How many of you enjoy rajma with your rice? Rajma is adored by all. Do you know that rajma can also help you stop hair loss? Yes, you read that correctly. Eating rajma can reduce hair loss.

What could be tastier than this method of reversing your hair loss? Rajma contains a lot of vitamin B, which is good for your roots because it helps them grow stronger.


Amla is a wonderful superfood that not only promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss, but it also brightens and illuminates your skin.

In terms of Vitamin C content, Amla is the best food because it is so important for our health, as well as the health of our hair and skin.


Paneer is a delicious vegetarian dish that may also be able to help you stop hair loss. Paneer is a popular protein option for vegetarians because of its high protein content, which is critical for healthy hair and skin.


Guava is a wonderful tropical fruit, available only during the summer months. Guava, on the other hand, is an excellent source of iron, which can help to reduce hair loss and improve the overall health of your hair.

Our hair needs iron for growth and strength, and the only desi superfood that is readily available to us is guava, which is loaded with iron.

Guava increases the oxygen supply to the hair, which promotes healthy hair growth and reduces hair loss.


These Indian superfoods are readily available and, truth be told, are the best to eat if you want beautiful, healthy hair that is also shiny. Along with these superfoods, remember to keep your body well hydrated at all times.