Aged above 40: do these anti-ageing excersises


Everyone wants to look younger and fit; no one wants to age and look wrinkly, do they? However, after a certain age, we have no control over our ageing, but we can certainly try to anti-age.

If you are over the age of 40, you should definitely try these anti-aging exercises. Because this is an ideal age to slow down your ageing process.

By reducing stress, these Yoga asanas improve blood circulation and restore the glow to our skin. It also keeps our organs healthy.

So let’s get anti-aging.

Adho mukh shavasana

This asana is simple to perform and can help with pimples, freckles, wrinkles, and other skin issues. It also makes the skin glow and is good for the hair.

Not only that, but Adho Mukh Shvanasana can help with obesity and back pain. You simply need to keep your head and face toward the sky in order for the blood to flow.


This asana will increase blood flow to the face and head. This asana also benefits your hair by strengthening the roots.

This is also a simple asana; simply lie down on the yoga mat and slowly lift your leg and hips upwards, supporting your hand.


Chakrasana is an excellent anti-aging asana that you should definitely practise.

This asana promotes blood circulation to the face, which aids in the treatment of pimples and wrinkles.

Simply lie down on your yoga mat and pull your body from centre upwars to form a table.


This asana helps the body stay young for a long time.

It aids in the reduction of stomach and weight as well as the relief of back pain. Simply lie down on your mat flat on your stomach and raise your head up with the help of your elbows.


Do not skip these exercises or yoga asanas because they will take some time to show results. These can be done anywhere you feel at ease.